Thursday, April 21


Another Bonus!
Just had to post these.
Ever since Lincoln was a wee little baby we have managed to take some sort or another Live Bunny pictures for Easter each and every year. Love love love live bunny shots!
This year they had live bunny photo's at the Easter party at our awesome church. And a good friend of mine was the photographer so I got a sneak peak... (they are giving out the pictures at the Easter service... great way to get everyone to attend!)
My thoughts:
Lennox: So fun! Poor bunny though got grabbed, and grabbed, and grabbed. He tolerated it very well!
Lawson: Sweet. My other "baby" who is all grown up now. Always so photogenic!
Lincoln: ???? Why oh why did you go get your hair crazy sprayed while I was waiting in line for pictures???? Oh well, something for him to laugh at when he is older.

Happy Easter from The Flower Mound Boys (and the live bunny!)


Jennifer said...

I'm SO loving your non-blog. Keep non-blogging. : )

Jennifer said...

I just noticed that I'm your 37,000th visitor since 2007!!

mom said...

I agree with the non-blog! I check in at least 5x a day!!

Debbie Robinson said...

Hi, Just loving all the beautiful photos... the boys are precious.