Saturday, May 29

Locks of Love

After I had the baby, I was having thoughts of chopping off my hair... it was bugging me so much! I finally got brave enough to chop off 12 inches, and donated it to Locks of Love (they make wigs for children cancer patients). I've had long hair my whole life, except for the short period the last time I did this when I was pregnant with Lincoln. You're probably thinking that it doesn't even look that short to take off 12 inches, but my hair had gotten really long during my pregnancy, I always wore it up... but it was getting super long. So far, I like it... It feels really weird... But it's going to be a nice summer cut. I put it in a ponytail tonight and it's this tiny little stump, it's so funny to me!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Super cute! I love it!