Sunday, May 2

Just another sleeping baby picture!!!

Three Weeks Old!!! Baby updates:
Almost up to birth weight, he is 7lbs 6oz (birth weight 7lbs 9oz)
He has his 1 month visit Friday!!! So, we'll see how his weight is!
(we are certain he has gained, he has been eating a lot and we have been supplementing)
He had thrush in his mouth, so he is taking 2 meds for that... for 14 days!!! To make sure it's cleared up and doesn't come back....
He has started to wear his brace/harness for his hip dysplasia... This has been an adjustment for us all... ie.. he can never take it off... not even for a bath! He can't wear most clothes, just t-shirts or gowns.... and we have been having to get creative in ways to hold him... but hoping for a 100% recovery, and quickly! (worst case scenario 3 months)
He continues to be a calm, content, happy baby.
He loves to sleep, but is having much more awake/active time.
He is becoming much more aware of his surroundings, and enjoys just looking around observing...
We are getting on somewhat of a routine... He stays awake for the entire morning, then sleep the entire day, then is awake for the entire late afternoon/evening. Starting to implement Babywise to meet my goal of him sleeping through the night by 6 weeks!


Jennifer said...

Glad to hear that Lennox is gaining weight! That's awesome that he's having more awake time. Can't believe he's already more than 3 weeks old!!

Anonymous said...

whats babywise? (reaah)