Saturday, May 24

Lucky's New Do

To help with all the shedding and the heat here in Texas, on Monday Lucky will be taken to the groomers for a complete shaving.... (following in Toms footsteps). I have seen a couple of Golden Retrievers in our neighborhood with what they call a "teddy bear" cut, and it actually looks really nice. It makes the Goldens look like a Lab. So, we are going to try it. I'm thinking it's going to be great. Easier dog baths, less shedding in the house, and of course I think she will be a lot cooler since we spend a lot of time outside. She might look a little scrawny... She is VERY small for a Golden. She is exactly 50 lbs. Her father is 100, so I guess she was like the little petite runt.... I'll let you know how it goes.
PLEASE comment now if don't think this a good idea.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh girl, we shave our pug/beagle mix- and she's a short hair dog. The thing is... dog's can have a coarser 2nd coat that just sheds like crazy as the weather warms up. It's beneficial to all- the dog and your home- to just shave it off. You'll be so glad you had it done!