Thursday, May 1

Happy May Day

I looked online to find out about May Day and this is what I found:

Surprise your neighbor with a special May Day basket and make many other crafts.
May Day (May 1st) is celebrated in many places around the world. The traditions and stories surrounding May Day vary from place to place. There is, however, one thing that is similar in most celebrations - the use of Flowers!
One of the most popularly known May Day traditions is to hang a basket full of spring flowers and/or other small gifts on a neighbor's doorknob. The trick is you don't want the neighbor to see you! If you get caught, you are supposed to get a kiss.

So, we are about to get busy.... Hanging baskets of flowers on our neighbors door, ringing the doorbell and running away?? Now this is our cup of tea. We are going to have so much fun with this!!!!!
(BTW, does anyone else do this??)


Anonymous said...

I remember while living in Tacoma we did this to some of the neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cynthia, This is Reaah's friend Iris. I love your blog! When I was little my 3 sisters and I would go to our 1 and only neighbors house hang a little paper vase with flowers in it on his doorknob, knock and run away and WE LOVED IT!!! What a great tradition to start!! Have fun!