Saturday, November 24

Saturday Update

Today, we all went to a neighbors 3rd birthday party. Great Fun, they are great neighbors...
Then we put up the Christmas tree. I won't go into the details, but WOW what an experience. Just a little blood, 4 smashed ornaments, some tears, but we can't complain about the finished product. And marking that off our to do list. Think I can put some wrapped presents underneath, safely?? I'll have to try...

On another note, I threw my lower back out again somehow during the holiday, so I've been using the heating pad today, and hopefully get to the chiropractor Monday.
Didn't brave the after Thanksgiving sales, but purchased a lot on line and got some even better deals. Hope to make it to Toys R Us tomorrow. I have not only Christmas to buy for, but both boys have b-days within a week of Christmas!!
Love this time of year!!


Anonymous said...

I had hopes of putting up the Christmas decorations today. When I went out to run errands, I told Mark, "it would be great if the Christmas stuff found it's way out of the attic by the time I came home". Guess I wasn't forward enough!! Oh well. Congrats on getting the tree up. The decorations you had up on Thanksgiving were really pretty and festive!!

Courtney said...

Congrats on getting your tree up. You should post a picture. Also, let me know how Lawson does with the gifts. I really would like to put something under the tree. It looks so bare. We got your Christmas card yesterday- very cute. I have not even begun our cards for this year yet.

Anonymous said...

did you really go shopping on black friday??? I liked the pictures that you sent of the boys....just got them today. They are awesome. Have them in my wallet.